
Are You Experienced? CUES Experience Goes Virtual


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Q: What do you do when you recognize how important it is that you continue your professional development, but you've decided that in the current economic climate, it's best to limit travel to essential business functions? 

A: You find a really affordable way to learn from the thought leaders in the movement right from your desk.

CUES is taking CUES Experience virtual with a new webinar series. Starting on April 30 and continuing through May 27, you’ll have the opportunity to benefit from the educational experience of a conference without the hassle or expense of traveling. Learn from the likes of:

  • Steve Williams and Terence Roche, Principals, Cornerstone Advisors, Inc

In this tag-team session, Steve Williams will review the top ten technology trends for credit unions in 2009. Terence Roche will help you identify the best vendors to address those trends with his annual update on the credit union vendor market.

  • Pierre Cardenas, Senior VP Retail, Amplify FCU

Advances in online technology now enable financial institutions to help consumers better understand and manage their diverse finances. Online personal financial management (PFM) tools, document management tools and personal dashboards that are directly integrated into home banking are shaping up to be a significant opportunity for credit unions in 2009.

  • Jeff Stephens, CEO, Creative Brand Communications

The strongest brands can be smelled, tasted, heard, well as seen. Stephens will use financial and non-financial examples and case studies from organizations large and small to demonstrate how a credit union can apply new paradigms and practices from other industries to create a powerful, differentiated brand by building brand equity into all the senses.

  • Scott Abeel, Vice President, Product Management and Alliances, Q2 Software

Credit unions face the ongoing challenge of providing their members the ability to complete transactions and access their account information while meeting the changing demands of technology. With over 200,000,000 mobile subscribers in the United States today, cell phones and Web-ready smart phones may offer the greatest potential for integrating online, voice and mobile banking—providing your members with a common experience across all three channels.

  • Scott Cornell, President/CEO, SilverCloud Knowledge Systems

Modern credit unions have vast piles of information. Expanded services, increased infrastructure, greater regulation and escalating technology have exponentially increased what CUs must know. Credit unions either implode under this weight, or blossom in spite of it. The difference lies in whether the credit union controls this knowledge—or is controlled by it.

  • Jeffry Pilcher, CEO/President, ICONiQ

Fewer people are going to branches, and doing so less often. Yet branches aren’t going away anytime soon, and they remain one of the most effective ways to grow your business. But what is the role of the branch going forward? This session looks at how your branch model needs to evolve as transactions move to alternate channels.

  • Matt Davis, Director of Public Relations, Members Credit Union

Join Davis and learn why it’s never been a better time to promote thrift, and how a mid-sized North Carolina credit union did just that to attract new deposits, member excitement and international media attention.

  • John Levy, Executive Vice President, Integrated Media Marketing (IMM)

An investment in technology to electronically streamline processes which were previously paper-based will help your credit union become eco-friendly—and create long-term efficiencies within your operation. You’ll also benefit from improved member service and reduced operating costs. 

  • Kelly Dowell, Executive Director, CUISPA

It seems that security threats are perpetually evolving. Increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks, social engineering, and mobile phone threats require you to adapt right along with the threats. Join Dowell as he focuses on the growing need for an integrated security strategy and monitoring system across your enterprise.

There are still more speakers and topics on the CUES Experience Webinar page, so be sure to check them out.

Oh, one more thing to sweeten the deal on these Webinars. CUES will be implementing a whole new Webinar platform to improve interaction and delivery; if you think you've seen a CUES Webinar, think again.

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