
Shout-out to Verity CU


Posted by Ron Jooss

The Badger Herald, one of two University of Wisconsin-Madison student newspapers, has a feature called Shout-Outs. (Warning: Don't go to this link if you don't appreciate the humor of college students, if you get what I'm saying.) Yes, the shout-outs can be a bit, well, sophomoric, but overall the spirit is upbeat, especially at a time when laughs in American media are severely wanting.

So it is in that spirit, I'd like to offer a shout-out of my own. Yesterday, in my duties as a CUES editor, I was scouring the credit union blogs for a good quote to use on the Skybox page of Credit Union Management magazine. Though I didn't find one here, I did find a credit union blog I am absolutely enamored with: Our Voices by Verity Credit Union, Seattle. So, a shout-out to you, Verity Credit Union. Your blog really covers the bases: It's informative, it's fun, it's visual, it's current, and you encourage your members to take part in the experience.

And with that, I encourage Nexus Connection readers to add a few shout-outs of your own in our comments section. Give a shout-out to the girl or guy who sits next to you for making you laugh, or maybe your boss for keeping it together during such a tough time for all of us in the credit union industry. Lord knows, we need the positive vibe.

Cheers …

Ron Jooss is a CUES editor.

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