
The Cooperative Advantage?


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

There are those who view Twitter as a big waste of time. Indeed, it can be. Consider this sampling from the public feed:

  • Just finished writing the most epic speech for my final assignment in Public Speaking. So awesome.

  • I don't think I've opened iTunes all day. Yay for records!

  • Of course, right now I'm not doing anything I need to do - instead, I'm reading blind items. Totally a productive use of my time.

  • So much to do: study for a final, write a ceremonial speech, make a Keynote presentation for the speech, learn Final Cut tricks, etc...

  • I just love that The White Stripes have a song made up of almost nothing but quotes from Citizen Kane. Badass.

But there are days when Twitter stimulates discussion worth blogging about. Yesterday, there was a debate about the competitive edge credit unions have as cooperatives.

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