
Putting the 'Social' in Social Media


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

I've been struggling with social media for business purposes. I have close to 200 connections on LinkedIn, 130 followers on Twitter, and 69 friends on Facebook--only a modest network by some standards. I've met most of the people in my contact list face to face and have formed fast friendships with some, but there are many people in my list that I don't know well or at all. I connected with them because they're smart and I can learn from them, but I can't really count them as part of my network. I don't think we could call or e-mail each other (at least easily and comfortably) because we don't know each other. We know one another's stances on current events in the industry or politically, but have never had a true conversation. Unfortunately, these kinds of contacts are common among social media sites. 

Networking Some have tried to remedy this downside to social media by setting up "tweet-ups," gatherings of  people who are in the same network on Twitter. These gatherings are often at events, like South-by-Southwest or conferences, but seem to be less common among twitterers in a common community. I live in Madison, Wis., and a good portion of the people I follow on Twitter are right here in town, but I've never met them. Tell me, what good is a social network if you don't feel like you can call on it when in need? 

Today, though, I joined a group on LinkedIn called Business Connections of Greater Madison. I found it through a classmate who is also on LinkedIn. I've already connected virtually with a number of business professionals in Madison through the group, but what sets it apart is that it has face-to-face networking events. It breaks down the barriers that are intrinsic to social media and provides real-world ways to connect--really connect--with other professionals.

Social media is most useful if you can convert virtual friends into real-world business contacts. If you use social media, consider coordinating local tweet-ups or networking opportunities. Direct message a contact and set up a lunch. Meet face to face. It can only strengthen your network. 

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