
You Want to Deposit Checks With Your iPhone? Sure, You Can Do That


By Christopher Stevenson

This week, the New York Times reported that USAA, the master of customer service, will allow its customers to use its iPhone app to deposit checks. All the customer has to do is take a photo of each side of the check and press "send." That's it. The deposit happens immediately.


I never would have thought iPhone apps would be stretched this far, but it opens a whole new gateway for credit unions to serve their members.

It's just too bad we didn't think of it first...

No, wait. We did think of it first. WV United Federal Credit Union, Charleston, W.Va., already offers mobile deposit services through an iPhone application it developed in house. WV United has just $25 million in assets and 4,400 members, but they beat USAA to market! That's the way it should be. 

Watch for CUES Editor Ron Jooss's article, "Thinking Small," in the September issue of Credit Union Management for more great innovations in mobile capabilities.

Christopher Stevenson is CUES' professional development manager and one of two main contributors to the CUES Nexus Connection blog.

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