
Not Quite a Brand Tattoo, but Close


By Lisa Hochgraf

Last week, while my husband and son were enjoying a biking and camping trip, I lived it up. Specifically, I invited other moms on my street over on Tuesday for a quiet, post-children's-bedtime game of Scrabble (and a relaxing glass of wine).

One of my neighbors, also named Lisa, showed up wearing this Scrabble tile necklace (except hers had an "L," of course).


All the players admired it and the next day Lisa sent an e-mail with the link on how to buy one. I'll probably bite, and get one for myself and for the other Scrabble-lovers in my life.

Now wearing a necklace or another one of the Scrabble jewelry options available from Eclectic Elements is not quite the same as putting a tattoo of the brand on my body. (Check out the discussion of Harley Davidson in Denise Wymore's book, Tattoos: The Ultimate Proof of a Successful Brand.) But to get me, a not-generally-brand-concerned word lover, to wear the Scrabble brand seems like pretty good news for Hasbro, the game's owner.

So why does the Scrabble brand resonate with me? Maybe there's something in my list of reasons that would help energize members to get enthusiastic about your CU's brand.

  • It stands for something fun.
  • It brings people I like together. (I play with my mom on Facebook and don't forget the aforementioned moms' night out.)
  • It delivers a consistent experience. (Everywhere I play, I sometimes get a rack full of vowels, sometimes win and always get to think.)
  • It makes me feel part of the "club" (I own the "official" scrabble players dictionary, after all.)

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