
Move Over Applebee's, It's CU-Style Curbside Service


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

Debbie Woodson and Russell Morin recently took their bikes to work. They didn’t commute to Daytona Beach Community College Credit Union, though. They rode them to help them do their work of serving members.


The $16 million CU, which I had the pleasure of visiting last month, is located in a community college building right on campus. Last year when the college resurfaced the parking lot in front of the CU’s headquarters, members would have had to walk half a mile from the nearest parking space to do their transactions. Enter the creativity of Debbie, CEO, and Russell, assistant manager of the CU.

In anticipation of the parking situation, they had equipped members with a special “curbside service” phone number (option 3 on the phone menu). When members called in advance to phone in their transaction “orders,” the line would ring in an identifiable way. Staff would handle the transaction in-branch and then Debbie and Russell would ride their bikes out to the member’s car to help them complete the transaction.

“We still have the service,” Debbie says. Even though the parking lot is finished, “when classes start, it fills up.”

I appreciate this creativity and assertiveness—and I bet members did, too. Hats off!

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