
What (in the CU World) are you Thankful for?


By Lisa Hochgraf

There's a beautiful thing happening in my network (and probably a few others) on Facebook right now: People are committing to post every day from now until Thanksgiving about something they are grateful for.

You can imagine the obvious ones: family, friends, good health. But how about a good night's rest? (For those of you who know this insomniac well, that wasn't from me.) Or "a cup of coffee that makes itself and quiet to drink it in." Or "Paula Deen and her tasty recipes, one of which is in the oven right now!"

Cornucopia The Facebook posts are largely personal, but I have a pretty long list of things about working in the credit union world for which I'm grateful, as well. Here's four, right off the bat:

  1. Volunteer boards of directors. I have a lot of respect for people that will take on such responsibility to help others.
  2. CEOs who could make bank salaries with their skills and knowledge but choose to lead non-profit credit unions instead. Their work makes a huge difference in the lives of many.
  3. Executives who return my writers' calls for interviews--and give them great information. Several of our writers, when new, commented on how pleasantly surprised they were when CEOs, SVPs and VPs would not only call them back but also give them great information for the articles they write for us. This is not true across all industries.
  4. Working for CUES. I like my colleagues and our leaders. They're real people with talent, commitment and vision. Telecommuting is more than possible; it's a regular part of our work.

What in the CU world are you grateful for?

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES editor.


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