
A Passion for Soda


Posted by Ron Jooss

It's not an easy time to be involved with credit unions. The safety and soundness of hundreds, if not thousands of credit unions are endangered by the current corporate mess. Emotions within the credit union industry are at a fever pitch, and the tenor of the discussions taking place are anything but diplomatic. Although it hasn't garnered any headlines, the credit union industry has become fragmented.

I'm sure the passion that a lot of people hold for credit unions as been tested. "People helping people" seems pretty idealistic when you are facing a CAMEL 3 through absolutely no fault of your own. I would like to introduce to you a man that still has that passion, not for credit unions, but for soda, of all things. Just check out this video. I guarantee it will put a smile on your face. But also note, John Nese was tough enough to tell Pepsi to take a hike. This video reminded me that one of the things that has always set credit unions apart is a passion for what we do. The issues are difficult, if not downright ugly, but we can't lose sight of who we are, and what got us here.

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