
Holiday Cards: C'mon People, Give Me Something I Can Use!


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

I get a lot of holiday cards at work and home, many from vendors and service providers. I get cards from the real estate agent that helped us buy our home 10 years ago, our mortgage officer, speaker agencies, auto dealerships, magazine publishers, and consultants. Most of these cards are impersonal with a hastily scrawled signature or worse, a printed name under the cheery holiday wishes. When I receive these cards at the office, I open the envelope, find out who it's from and then put it on display it in the kitchen so everyone can enjoy the Currier and Ives pics. Once the holidays end, I suspect these cards are dropped in the recycling bin. I appreciate being added to everyone's holiday mailing list, but unless the card offers something of value, I'm not going to hang on to it.

That said, I'm hanging on to the card I received from iDiz, Incorporated this year. The card was pretty typical, with a picture of a sprig of evergreen and a cookie on the front and a cute holiday message on the inside. But the folks at iDiz added something else--a recipe for butter pecan cookies. I love butter pecan cookies. (Pecans are natural antioxidants, so these cookies are good for me, right?)

If you're going to spend the money to send out cards, don't you think it makes to sense to give the recipients a reason to hang on to their cards?

Thank you, iDiz. I'm keeping your card (and making cookies).

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