
If you Were Going to Live on a Space Station for six Months …


By Barb Kachelski, CAE DSC_0014

Attendees at CUES' inaugural International Leadership Academy in M iami were given a fascinating challenge by Executive Dean and Professor Joyce Elam.

She said one of the most important jobs of any leader is to develop other leaders. Her challenge:

"I am going to live in a space station for six months. During that time, I will be unable to communicate with you in any way. Therefore, I have written the following memo that outlines my leadership values and principles that I want to guide your decision-making and actions in my absence."

She emphasized the memo should not exceed seven points, and encouraged program attendees to go back to their credit unions, which were located in six different countries; sit down with their leadership team; and explain what characteristics of leadership are important to them.

So, give it a shot ... which characteristics are highest on your list?

Incidentally, CUES is making it easier for credit unions to develop leaders with our CUES NextGen membership, a $99 2010 membership designed for individuals 35 and younger.

Barb Kachelski, CAE, is CUES' SVP/chief operating officer.

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