
In Distinguished Company


By Barb Kachelski, CAE

"A dignified life for every person in a free country" was the dream of Poland's President Lech Kaczyński. DSC_0351

This vision has remained with me following the World Council of Credit Unions Distinguished Service Award presentation last Wednesday night.

Could these words be used as a gauge for credit union leaders and the organizations that serve them?

The phrase was spoken by Jarosław Stawiarski, a member of Poland's parliament, as he accepted the DSA award on behalf of Poland's former president, Lech Kaczyński. WOCCU presented the award to Kaczyński posthumously in honor of his central role in establishing the country's credit union movement.

Certainly, this year's three DSA recipients—Kaczyński, Harriet May (CUES member, CUNA chair and president/CEO of GECU in El Paso, Texas) and CUES—would receive examplary marks on this scale.

Each has reached out to people in their own countries and across borders. Each has acted selflessly, placing others' interests before recognition or glory. And each strives to make a positive difference.

Thanks to Barry Jolette (who is pictured here on the right with CUES CEO Fred Johnson), Ron Hance, Pete Crear and all at WOCCU for a wonderful event.

Barb Kachelski, CAE, is CUES' SVP/chief operating officer.



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