
Marketing in the Mall


Posted by Erin Templer

I saw something last weekend that really caught my attention, and I knew immediately that I had to take a picture of it and post it on the Nexus blog to share with everyone.

While I was in Green Bay, Wis. doing a little shopping, I saw this ad for Pioneer Credit Union painted on the wall.

Imagejpeg_2 It’s a little tough to tell from the photo I took on my phone, so I’ll explain what I saw as I walked into the mall. In the entrance, along a huge portion of the wall was this mural with three fun house mirrors and it read, “What shape are your finances? Stretched, Shaky or Phat! Take control.”

I can’t remember ever seeing anything like it before. The mural stood out and spoke to the audience at the mall perfectly. And, better yet, the fun house mirrors made it interactive. It really stopped me in my tracks, which is quite the task when I’m shopping.

Props to Pioneer CU for this fun and unusual marketing approach. is also a great site. You should check it out.

How have you been able to think outside the box to get your credit union noticed?

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