
The Ladder to Success


By Ronaldo Hardy

Wow! I still can't believe Next Top Credit Union Exec is over. It was such a great experience, and I was thrilled to finish as the runner-up! I want to congratulate Tina Hall once again for being named Next Top Credit Union Exec. She is well deserving of the title, and I look forward to seeing great things from her in our credit union movement.

I'm sure many of you enjoyed watching the energetic presentations given at CUES' CEO/Executive Team Network. Now that it's over, I've begun to reflect on a few key things I learned from this experience. Most of them are very simple, but it is essential for young professionals to think on these things as we navigate through our corporate ladders.

Be Confident. Confidence is a key success factor in moving to the next level in any organization. Top execs are looking for people who are willing to think, and speak up. They are also seeking people who aren't afraid to make a decision. If you lack the confidence to make a decision, or contribute an idea, your manager will be left doing the work he/she assigned you to do. Your manager is looking for you to believe in your ideas, and to assist him/her in making the right decisions for your area.

Market Yourself/Build Your Network. The first round of the competition was pretty tough, and it drew a lot of reactions from people both positive and negative. Some people enjoyed the intensity of campaigning, and some viewed it as a popularity contest. As I reflected on this round, I saw something that some may have overlooked. In the midst of all the campaigning, there was a valuable lesson to be learned. If you want to navigate your way to the top of any corporate ladder, you must know how to market yourself, and build your network. Although the first round was very intense it focused on you. How well could you market yourself? How hard were you willing to work to move people to action? How large is your network?

Sure, some may say, "That was just your co-workers, friends and family voting for you. They would have voted anyway." That may be true, but that is what a network is all about. People within the same network are generally willing to support each other, and do things for one another that they wouldn't do for someone else, simply because they are networked. A simple definition for network is people connecting to work together. Right now, it is important for you to focus on building your network. Get involved in things that will allow you to meet others, and be willing to contribute to other's success as well as your own.

Also, know how to truly market yourself. What makes you special? Why should you be selected? What differentiated value do you bring to the table? Answer those questions about yourself, and position those things in the minds of those who have decision-making power.

Work Hard. Moving up takes hard work! You must be willing to work hard if you want to be noticed. Your results will be an indicator of the amount of work you put into whatever you do. Having a good idea is good, but knowing how to implement and manage that idea is even more important. One of our senior managers has a quote on her desk that says, "Success isn't served on a silver platter." That statement is so true. Success doesn't come to you; you must pursue it, and be willing to work hard to achieve it.

Show Appreciation. As you begin to experience success, be sure to show appreciation to those who helped you to get there. People are more than willing to help someone who is humble, and will acknowledge those who helped along the way. With that said, I thank CUES and Currency Marketing for allowing us to showcase our talents to the credit union industry. This has truly been a very humbling and rewarding experience. Thanks to La Capitol Federal Credit Union for allowing me to compete, and for showing your support along the way. Thanks to everyone who voted, and campaigned on my behalf. Without you, none of this would have been possible. And, special thanks to Tina Hall, the Next Top Credit Union Exec, for sharing your prize with me. That was truly a life-changing moment for me, and one that I will never forget.

So, what's next? Well, I will keep working as a champion for Gen Yers in our industry. I will devote my efforts to helping credit unions tap into the Gen Y resource within their credit unions, by engaging Gen Y employees. I will also look for ways to attract Gen Y members to our movement. And (drum roll please…) be on the lookout for my new blog that will be launched this month. I can't wait to reveal it to you! One thing is for sure, I am devoted to helping our industry move forward, and I'm looking forward to watching us grow.

Ronaldo Hardy, a CUES NextGen member, is branch coordinator for $391 million La Capitol Federal Credit Union, Baton Rouge, La., and runner-up in CUES' Next Top Credit Union Exec challenge.







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