
Get out in the Garage to Serve Members


By Lisa Hochgraf

Credit unions have passed through the worst of the economic storm, Steve Williams celebrated with attendees of CUES Symposium: A CEO/Chairman Exchange this week in Kauai.

But at the same time he urged credit union leaders to remember that some members will still be recovering for a while.

"What’s in the head of our member right now?" asked Williams, principal with CUES Supplier member and partner Cornerstone Advisors Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz. "We might feel like we have our capital and our earnings coming out in the right place, but our mission and our opportunity is to understand what these numbers mean to our members right now.

"The American family is still anxious," he added. "You can see this in the consumer confidence figures."

Williams encouraged attendees to bring innovation to the table in the effort to serve affected members.

"Let’s get in the garage (where great things, even companies, are built)--and have fun with that," he said. "We’re going to do some really cool things out there and help some members."

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES editor. 

Read more posts from CUES Symposium.  

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