
CEO Institutes' Between-Segments Projects Underscore Learning


By Lisa Hochgraf

"Education is the process in which we discover that learning adds quality to our lives. Learning must be experienced."

So said American psychiatrist William Glasser, whose research suggests the best way to learn something is not to read it out of a book, hear someone say it or even talk about it with someone else. The best way to learn something, according to Glasser, is to teach it to someone else.

CEO Institute graduate Jim Harper, CCE, has done just that by publishing the article, "Branching Out," in the March issue of Credit Union Management magazine.

The article is based on the project Harper did between CUES' CEO Institute II and III. By publishing it, the CUES member has shared with others in the movement what he learned about closing a performance gap. In particular, he strived to answer the question, “How do we generate and sustain long-term growth and take our $590 million/56,000-member credit union into the future?” by looking at three branching strategies: developing a sales and service culture, expanding electronic delivery and expanding the bricks-and-mortar branch network.

The Certified Credit union Executive (CCE) designation that Harper has earned is available to executives who complete all three segments of CEO Institute, plus two between-segment projects. After all, the best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else. 

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES editor.

A few seats are still available for this year's CEO Institutes. E-mail Kristin Ryan for more information.

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