
Oh How I Wished for Digital Signatures


By Lisa Hochgraf

The Friends of the Mendon Public Library here in Mendon, N.Y., elected new officers at the February Sigsamples2,jpgmeeting. Yours truly is again president, but we have a new treasurer and secretary, which means it's time to update the signature cards on our checking and savings accounts.

We gave it a shot last week. The new treasurer called and said I should stop by the organization's bank (I know, I know, but it's a big library supporter) and sign the card. She'd stop by later and pick it up and take it to the secretary to sign.

We got our wires crossed.

The treasurer arrived before I did and picked up the cards. Since her son was home with a bad ear infection, I couldn't stop over to her house to sign ... and she leaves today for her vacation.

Needless to say, we're going to deal with it when she gets back.

I imagine that a digital signature arrangement--especially one that allowed each of us to sign from our own desktops--could have made this process much easier.

Has anyone had personal experience with online account opening/signature card updating? I'd like to hear how it could be done a simpler, better way.


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