
A Door Has Been Opened


By Lisa Hochgraf

I've mentioned my studies of the Feldenkrais method in previous posts (here and here) on this blog. The work helps people learn body awareness, and often results in them moving better and without pain.

My favorite teacher of this method, Anat Baniel, often says pithy things about the process of learning that make me think of professional development.

For example, on the most recent tape I was doing, she said: "After doing this lesson, you may feel that a door has been opened in a wall that previously had not even a window."

And indeed, that lesson was one of many that have taught me something new and important about my shoulder joint--one of those key things that help this editor type all day pain free.

Some participants in CUES' CEO Institute might say that attending this three-week program at top business schools has been equally important to learning about leadership. And some have found the experience so moving, they shed tears.

What learning experience have you had lately that opened a door where previously there wasn't even a window? What made it possible for you to learn something important? Why was this particular lesson a big deal for you? Where did you go to gain this insight? Please add your experience to the comments.

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES editor.

Learn more about the CEO Institute program.

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