
Thanks for Carrying Fuel


By Lisa Hochgraf

Just wanted to shout out to our blog platform,, and say, "Thanks for carrying fuel!" and also "Thanks for keeping us posted!"

During the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Squarespace found itself in the Wall Street district of New York with no power. The great folks in the photo below, whom I only know as "the midnight bucket brigade," carried fuel to the roof to keep its generator running--and this blog online.

Staff at Squarespace.

Also, the leadership did a wonderful job of keeping customers like me up to date on the status of their situation, with this website. Downtime was often a possibility, but so far as we could tell, never occurred.

From my vantage point, Squarespace demonstrated two best practices in disaster recovery: true dedication to customers during a tough time and keeping customers informed.

What has your credit union done in this vein, either after the recent "Frankenstorm" or another disaster it has faced? I look forward to reading about your successes in the face of disaster in the comments.

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES editor.

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