
Credit Unions and Creative Types: A Perfect Match?


By Theresa Witham

Several weeks ago, a Facebook friend posted a link to an educational seminar for Baltimore’s creative business owners called “Mind Your Business.” I clicked the link hoping to see that a local credit union was the  sponsor. Sadly, it’s to be presented by PNC Bank, along with Maryland Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts and a local arts district.

The “Mind Your Business” seminar promises free financial education for the creative leaders of Baltimore’s new economy. It will have sessions on:

  • women and minority businesses,
  • small business resources,
  • contracts, and
  • business entities (LLC vs. non-profit vs. fiscal sponsorship).

I think this crowd--the artists, freelancers, graphic designers, chefs, bakers, etc.--would be a great fit for credit unions. I think they would respond very well to credit unions’ not-for-profit and cooperative aspects.

Does your town or city have local arts groups and collectives? Why not approach them and offer to sponsor educational seminars about business ownership, budgeting, and money management? Let me know if you do!

Theresa Witham is a CUES editor.

Attend the new CUES Advanced School of Business Lending, March 11-15 in Miami.

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