
Inspired CU Leaders


By Theresa Witham

Each August, I have the great pleasure of reading and editing profiles of the CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec Top 15 Finalists. These 35-and-under CU employees are a diverse bunch, but they all have a passion for their work and the industry. Reading the profiles, I feel inspired and energized. And I am frequently impressed by each finalist’s well-thought-out credit union project.

Recently, the field of 15 was narrowed to the NTCUE Final 5Here are small tidbits from each of the 2013 finalists. Hear their final presentations in person at CUES’ CEO/Executive Team Network, Nov. 3-6 in San Diego, where you will help select the 2013 CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec. (We’ll also have a play-along-at-home viewing/voting option at

Amanda Brenneman, business development officer at $460 million Maps Credit Union, Salem, Ore., describes her project, the “Buy Local” program: “The Buy Local program--designed to encourage growth and sustainability of our local economy-- as a ‘win-win-win.’ Locally owned businesses ‘win’ with free advertising, and free money when they participate in the ‘featured partner period’; members and non-members ‘win’ with free items and exclusive discounts; and the credit union ‘wins’ with community-wide recognition and enhancement of its philosophy: ‘people helping people.’”

Robert Carabelli, senior marketing strategist at $325 million McGraw-Hill Federal Credit Union
East Windsor, N.J., writes: “Credit unions provide a full-service, high-tech, high-touch experience that's just like Bank of America--only better, because credit unions have a vested interest in the financial wellness of its participating membership.”

Chad Huseby, branch manager at $12 billion Servus Credit Union, Delburne, Alberta, works with the local Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachment to reward young people who are spotted doing positive things. “Whether it’s wearing a bike helmet, using a cross-walk, wearing their seatbelt or very simply doing anything that is deemed positive by the officer, a ‘positive ticket’ is issued. The ticket congratulates the youth on performing the positive action, and states at the bottom that the ‘perpetrator’ can redeem the ticket at one of three local Servus CU branches for a prize.”

Zac King, AVP/card payment systems at $3.4 billion Redstone Federal Credit Union, Huntsville, Ala., says his hero is Bruce Lee: “To be able to create your own style/system based on new ideas combined with the best parts of many other tried and true styles of martial art becomes a very strong way to live life and work effectively (in that order).”

Bryce Roth, director of marketing & social strategy at $382 million CitizensFirst Credit Union
Oshkosh, Wis., writes that the future of credit unions will be bright if “we can get back to why credit unions were ever created. Too often we concentrate on putting down banks and communicating the same messages to our members and potential members. We are more than a financial institution that has low rates on loan products and provides great service. We are institutions with a purpose and that purpose is to provide financial services to anyone who qualifies for membership; demonstrate the value of membership by rewarding those members who take full advantage of their participation in the cooperative; educate our members and our communities about how to establish and maintain a healthy financial lifestyle; and show our concern for the communities we serve by giving our credit union's time, talents and treasures in an effort to demonstrate the true difference between credit unions and other financial institutions.”

Congratulations to each of the Final 5 and to all the Top 15 Finalists! Read profiles of each.

Theresa Witham is a CUES editor.

Also read "Which CU Rock Stars Inspire You?"

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