
Unplug to Plug In


By Kristin Ryan

Does the concept of going off the grid seem like an urban myth? When were you last separated from both your phone and computer at the same time, for any significant period?

Unplugging to plug into education is not a luxury, but necessary for survival in today’s competitive financial services arena. Your members and the marketplace are always changing and growing—and an executive education program is what you need to keep pace, or strive higher, so you’re not left behind.  

The skill building, in-depth learning and assimilation of new information available at these types of experiences require focused attention, away from your daily routine, to achieve maximum impact. Below are some of the key attributes to look for when considering an executive education offering.

  • Is it credit union-specific? While there is value in learning from other industries, focusing within the credit union space will give you the greatest return for your time and money. Exposure to the many shapes and sizes of credit unions allows you to benchmark off others, and choose which of their best practices to adapt for your organization.
  • Who is attending? One of the greatest benefits of executive education is developing a network of peers you can draw on as resources in the future. With so many hours together in an intensive setting, life-long relationships develop, and your networking circle becomes stronger than ever.
  • Who are the facilitators and what are they presenting? Access to scholars and opinion leaders from some of the nation’s top business schools is invaluable. The content should be on the cutting edge of what is happening now and what the future may hold.
  • Does the agenda encompass personal leadership skills? Sessions that guide you to look inward at your own leadership style and raise awareness of why you do what you do creates the opportunity for significant personal growth.
  • Can the information be applied at home? The best educational programs provide a means for translating new information and insights into action plans for the real world.

Kristin Ryan is the Executive Education & Meetings Manager for the Credit Union Executives Society (CUES).

CUES’ CEO Institute sets the standard for excellence in executive education, and brings life- and career-changing transformation to credit union movement professionals. Learn more today!

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