
Supporting Retiring CU CEOs


By Lisa Hochgraf

Over the last few years, participants in CUES Net, the CUES members-only listerve for which I serve as staff guide, have congratulated a number of "Netters" on their retirements. In addition to sending along well wishes, the CUES Net community entertained dialog about such topics as what made good retirement gifts (and the tax implications of some options) and what moving companies to use.

On the occasion of his retirement in 2011, H.C. "Hank" Klein, retired CEO of now $957 million Arkansas Federal Credit Union, Little Rock, Ark., got inspired to share his experiences and insight about his retirement transition in several articles published by CUES.

For example, he recommended all retiring execs meet with a professional to examine their investment options in "What Now?" from CU Management magazine. In another CU Management article, he recommended using the time available in retirement to give back to your community. He also felt it was important for boards to know what a CEO is going through during the retirement transition, so he penned a case study of his experience, "Changing of the Guard," for CUES' Center for Credit Union Board Excellence website. (Not yet a member? Get a 30-day free trial so you can check out Hank's article.)

To my way of thinking, the Netters and Klein have set a good, cooperative example here. Talking about retirement and supporting our esteemed colleauges going through it seems to fit beautifully with the CU philosophy of people helping people.

Are you planning to retire? What questions do you have? What worries do you have? What suggestions do you have for others approaching this milestone? I invite you to use the comments section to have a dialog about this key issue.

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES senior editor.

Leadership shadow is the larger ripple effect leaders have on those around them. "Leadership Brand and Shadow" is one of two new Blended Learning courses CUES is offering this September in partnership with Cornell University. Blended Learning minimizes travel while providing world-class education.

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