
Millennials Value Coaching and Talented Colleagues


Get more of both for yours: Nominate them by June 5 to participate in the CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec challenge. By Lisa Hochgraf 

young professional presenting on stage According to a February Harvard Business Review article, motivating Millennial employees boils down to one thing: coaching. Importantly, the article suggests that the coaching Millennials want is not about telling them what to do, but helping them to achieve all they are capable of doing and being. This makes me think about what Alex Castley said during his acceptance speech after being named the 2014 CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec last November. Engagement and communications manager at $602 million Integris Credit Union, Prince George, British Columbia, Castley thanked his CEO, CUES member David Bird, CCE, for being the kind of coach that Millennials want. "Here's really the reason I'm here today, because without him I wouldn't have the autonomy to do the funny good things I do on a daily basis," he said, adding with a quavery voice: "Thank you, David." The Harvard Business Review article also reported that Millennials value coaches who help them spend time with talented people--with the idea that those talented people will help Millennials up their own game. Castley's emotional acceptance speech echoed this idea, too. "All the other finalists were amazing people and we grew to be friends right away, which is cool," he said. To the audience at CEO/Executive Team Network where the award was presented, he added, "It's huge for us as young people to share our ideas with people like you." This year's CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec challenge began yesterday. Nominate Millennial movers and shakers until June 5. Lisa Hochgraf Is a CUES senior editor. Thanks to Matt Thornhill of Generations Matter, whose Twitter feed @GensMatter pointed me to the Harvard Business Review article cited in this post. Thornhill will present "The Millennial Opportunity for Credit Unions From the Inside Out" at Execu/Net slated for Aug. 30-Sept. 2 in Jackson Hole, Wyo.. Also read "Exceptional Leader Award = 'On the Right Track'" from this blog.      

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