
Creating Mobile 'Moments'


A good CU app reaches out to members--and responds to them--at just the right time.
By William Wille
Sponsored by LSC

man with cell phone in front of bright yellow carToday’s members value access and have higher expectations than ever before when it comes to carrying on a conversation – especially when it’s convenient for them. Your credit union can be part of the decision process, even when you can’t be there. Imagine the following scenarios.

Right Touch, Right Time Your member is sitting in a dealership feeling nervous and uncertain. Their family has outgrown their current car which they paid off years ago. Now they need a bigger vehicle, which means a new car payment. Member’s concerns: What can I afford? What will I need to sacrifice for it? Will I qualify? Most of all, is this offer the best I can do? With a mobile loan request form like the one on the CU Mobile Apps platform, your credit union can be part of this process. With a few taps on their mobile device, your member can not only find out your current rates and terms, it puts them one step closer to loan approval.

One-on-One Discussions There can be many circumstances that stop your members from buying their first home, such as credit card debt that can’t be paid off fast enough. They want to discuss options with you, privately. That can happen in many ways, for instance after noticing the live chat option while looking up a new balance transfer promotion via your app. Before long, your credit union can help develop a plan for that debt and send your members to check out real estate listings. A good mobile app will actually increase communication with your members, letting them know the credit union is always there.

Quick Answers to Big Decisions The holidays can bring many pressures. Just like 81 percent of consumers, your members likely plan ahead for holiday shopping by looking online before ever setting foot in the stores. A mobile app will allow you to keep members aware of new promotions at all times, with push notifications about credit card specials and holiday signature loans. You can ease the stress of shopping by letting them know their credit union has the best financing options for their holiday purchases. Financial needs occur anytime, anywhere. A good mobile app puts the power of a credit union branch right into your member’s hand. Your credit union is just a tap away. Since joining the Illinois Credit Union System in 1998,

William Wille has served as PR coordinator for the Illinois Credit Union League and LSC, the ICUL Service Corporation. Among other products, LSC offers CU Mobile Apps, which incorporates the functions of CUs' current apps and adds easy-to-use, customized mobile applications, such as push notifications, live chat and a loan request form to give members the connection and service experience they want, when they want it. Gain the knowledge you need to build an outstanding member experience at every touch point. Attend CUES School of Member Experience, Sept. 14-15 in San Antonio. You may also be interested in attending CUES School of IT Leadership, slated for Sept. 15-17 also in San Antonio.

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