
Empowering Continuous Learning in a Digital Age


CUES Learning Tracker responds to modern learners’ need to record what they’ve learned informally. By Christopher J. Stevenson, CIE

CUES Learning Tracker responds to modern learners’ need to record what they’ve learned informally.

By Christopher J. Stevenson, CIE

Computer mouse connected to row of checklist with checkbox showing the idea of tracking learning“As training moves to more digital formats, it’s colliding with new realities in learners’ jobs, behaviors, habits and preferences. Today’s employees are overwhelmed, distracted, and impatient. Flexibility in when and how they learn it is increasingly important. They want to learn from peers and managers as much as from experts. And they’re taking more control over their own development.” So begins the slide, “Meet the Modern Learner” from a webinar hosted by Bersin by Deloitte, which specializes in leading practices, trends and benchmarking research in talent management, learning and strategic human resources. The slide (numbered 3 in this deck) also notes that 66 percent of learning and development professionals have trouble engaging these modern learners with corporate learning. A later slide shows that only 14 percent of informal learning—the kind learners want most—is consistently tracked, compared with 97 percent of instructor-led training, 72 percent of self-directed e-learning and 57 percent of instructor-led webinars. Not surprisingly, Bersin by Deloitte also found that 50 percent of learning and development professionals report difficulty capturing data from informal learning activities. CUES was invited to co-present this webinar because it offers CUES Learning Tracker to members to help address such concerns. CUES Learning Tracker automatically tracks users’ learning activities when they are logged into the site. Importantly, CUES Learning Tracker also allows self reporting for online learning activities outside of This is done with the CUES Learning Tracker Bookmarklet tool (here’s how to install it). Any time a member encounters something useful he member wants to record, he simply clicks the bookmarklet and the item is added to his CUES Learning Tracker activity list. Finally CUES Learning Tracker can also be used by team leaders and those supporting board members to track and manage the groups’ learning. Do you experience trouble tracking what you, members of your team and your board members learn? Try out CUES Learning Tracker and let me know if and how it helps you.

Christopher J. Stevenson, CIE, is SVP/chief learning officer of CUES. Join CUES today and take advantage of the many wonderful membership benefits, including CUES Learning Tracker!

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