
Five Reasons Modernization Delivers Lackluster Results

woman with a tablet behind a success meter registering poor results
By Connie Siu

2 minutes

Avoid these hiccups.

This article was adapted with permission from CDC Synetics’ blog.

Modernization initiatives are supposed to be transformative. Expectations for return on investment are high. Despite the commitment for resources and executive support, these initiatives often deliver lackluster results.

There are five reasons for the lackluster results.

1. Conservative approach
Concerned about potential chaos created by sudden drastic changes, the business chooses to take a gradual approach to avoid any big-bang effects. The approach breaks the initiative into “chunks.” Unfortunately, a lack of integration of the disparate piecemeal projects leads to incoherent practices.

2. Automation focus
It is good to eliminate manual, onerous work by introducing technology to automate the tasks. The benefits include speed, error reduction, and freed up capacity for other work. However, the focus on automation runs the risk of mechanizing unnecessary tasks. This turns manual overhead into mechanical overhead.

3. Incoherent choices
Many applications offer extensions of their core functions to manage peripheral work. When it is necessary to implement multiple applications, there would be overlap. This complicates the technical as well as the operational aspects of modernization. If the implementation of the various applications is not well planned, the end users and customers are impacted.

4. Baggage from past experiences
Successful modernization is guided by a clear vision for what is best for the business. While it is good to have subject matter experts involved in the initiative, it could be a liability because of their past experiences. Former conflicts and decisions might skew their choices, impacting the ultimate solution design.

5. Inability to overcome change resistance
It is not surprising to see resistance to change over the course of a modernization initiative. When resistance becomes a show stopper, the project would be delayed. Often, the solution is compromised, affecting the benefits that would be realized.

These hiccups dampen the outcomes. Avoid them so that the return on investment is not impacted.

Founder of CDC Synetics, Richmond, British Columbia, Connie Siu is passionate about building high-performance businesses through strategic clarity and optimal resource utilization. She helps companies achieve lasting results and remarkable competitiveness. With over 25 years of experience, Siu is a frequent speaker at corporate and association events. Her clients include Fortis Inc., Pacific Blue Cross, BC Hydro, Vancouver Coastal Health, and leading companies in telecommunication, transportation, high-tech, education, government, and manufacturing.

Siu will deliver the CUES webinar, “How to Accelerate Operational Excellence With a Vengeance,” on March 8. The event is free to CUES members.


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