
4 Ways To Motivate Your Employees Every Day (App Teaser)

woman with glowing cogs in her brain illustrates neuroscience and employee motivation

Using neuroscience to drive high-performing cultures 

While a healthy paycheck contributes to employee satisfaction, money won’t keep the best employees if other more important aspects of their employment are not met, according to one of the nation’s principal authorities on leadership science.

“If the workplace environment doesn’t fit with the conditions where the brain can thrive, they probably won’t hold on to their best employees for long,” says Don Rheem, author of Thrive By Design: The Neuroscience that Drives High-Performance Cultures and CEO of E3 Solutions. “Money satisfies, but it has very little impact on daily behavior. Far more impactful are things that money can’t buy; things a responsive employer should be providing every day.”

Rheem says neuroscience has mapped the ideal conditions that, when addressed, allow the brain to thrive and operate much closer to its full capacity. These conditions can make employees more productive, healthier and happier in the workplace.

Rheem says companies that follow his science-based approach show a 30 percent increase in engagement in just one year and a 75 percent increase in high-performing staff in just 4 years. He suggests four places where employers and leaders in a company should focus their efforts.

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