
Inside Marketing: 4 Keys to Your Credit Union’s Brand Video

Principal & Founder
DML Communications

4 minutes

Personality and authenticity are critical to connecting with members.

Nearly every marketer that I have spoken to in the last few months have said companies must incorporate video in their marketing plans for 2018. It’s not a choice anymore; it’s a must. People are watching video—not reading detailed white papers, 2,000-word case studies, complicated manuals, etc. Video is no longer complementary to the written word; it has officially usurped it.

This “must” goes for credit unions, too. Credit unions must create video productions to share their incredible stories. Your current and prospective members, like any other consumer, are watching videos on PCs, tablets and mobiles. It has become the preferred method of content consumption and communication.

Audiences connect with video so much more than the written word because they can see facial expressions, emotions and body language. It appears as though there’s no hiding in video—and that’s the beauty of it. It’s a massive trust builder because of its authenticity. And authenticity a big reason why people enjoy watching. 

So, when your credit union is planning and creating its brand story for 2018, include a brand video to share your message with the growing masses watching video today. Here are four key items that go into a successful brand story video production:

1. Understand your credit union’s personality. Survey existing members, employees and peers. Discover what makes your credit union stand out and start from there. This feedback will help crystalize your organization’s personality, which is the most important aspect of your business. Without this message, you are lost, so take that extra effort and talk to people in and out of your organization. The more you talk, the more a theme will percolate to the surface. People connect with personality, not a logo or building—and video significantly helps achieve that goal.

2. Who you interview matters. If there’s someone at your credit union that inspires, motivates or simply fills the room optimistic energy, this person (or people) should be the stars of your brand story video. They have the personality, drive and focus to propel your organization forward—which works really well on camera. This goes for current members, too. If there are any standout members with inspiring financial stories connected to your credit union, include them in your video if they are willing to participate. In return, you’ll have the opportunity to convey a powerful and authentic message that strongly resonates with other members.

3. Your video has to be authentic. Speaking of authentic, your brand story must be told by real people with their own real stories. Drop the Hollywood production mentality and shoot for a genuine message that will resonate with the core of your membership. You’ll discover these stories during the interview process, while getting to know your credit union’s personality. There’s something about online videos—they need to have a bit of rawness. It’s the opposite for TV. We’ve been trained to expect near perfection on TV or the big screen. But online, we crave a more genuine look and feel to connect.

4. The interview is vital to success. Any reputable video production firm will know how to ask the proper questions of staff and members alike in order to capture your credit union’s personality. These are questions that draw out emotion while telling a relatable story that can inspire, motivate or create change in people’s lives. Whether it’s getting out of debt, saving to put your kids through college, getting that first automobile loan or mortgage, or creating a robust nest egg for retirement, asking the right questions about the right topics that deliver emotional satisfaction is key in any successful brand story.

These four keys are starters to a brand video that will ultimately connect with your credit union’s core audience and create a trusted bond. Credit unions are on quite a roll right now with membership growth and lending, but now is not the time to rest on your laurels thinking what you’ve done in the past will continue to work in the future. It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and share your brand story in a more personal way. 

If you’re not producing video today, start making plans yesterday. You can’t depend on the written word anymore. There is so much noise out there; video is the medium that allows you to stand out and share your credit union’s unique brand.

Mike Lawson, principal and founder of the PR/marketing firm DML Communications, and host of the online CUbroadcast show and the Parting Shots video series, has two decades of journalism, public relations and marketing experience. His unique and robust knowledge allows him to meet the varied needs of editors, end-users and clients. Lawson's expertise enables him to enhance his clients' market exposure through media relations, social media tools, advertising efforts, target marketing strategies and more. He also speaks on PR, marketing and media issues to audiences nationwide.

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