3 minutes
From the Editor
Welcome to the new and improved CU Management. Our talented team of designers and editors has been hard at work to enhance this magazine, your favorite CUES member benefit.
As the credit union industry is changing, so is the magazine world. The death of brick and mortar has been foretold for years, and so has the death of print. But neither credit union branches nor print is really going away. Indeed, the function and format of branches have evolved to be part of a broader, omnichannel member experience. We’re doing something very similar with CU Management and its online counterpart, evolving to best take advantage of each channel’s strengths.
Just like you try to give members a great experience with each of your delivery channels, we are striving to bring you, our readers, the best possible experience in each content format. Our survey says you spend 46 minutes with a typical issue, and we want those 46 minutes to be terrifically useful and inspiring.
In the print pages of CU Management, you’ll find in-depth information for credit union leaders, including analysis and strategic ideas for addressing the issues you’re most concerned about. For example, this month’s cover story, “Same Size Slice”, is a longer feature that dives into the question of why credit unions aren’t more popular with consumers, even though they’re such a great idea for them. It’s a question that is discussed at almost every industry gathering. We explore what some credit unions are doing to grow in their markets and what more can be done.
One way some CUs are increasing the size of their slice of the financial services industry pie is by reaching out to Spanish-speaking members and potential members. Read how four credit unions are finding success with this demographic in “Speaking Their Language.”
CU Management readers also help to raise our industry’s profile. For those of you who want to take your career to the next level, read the stories of two credit union executives who do way more than just run their own credit unions, and another online.
That brings me to the online portion of our publication. On the last page of each print article, you’ll see a listing of three to four (and sometimes more!) related online articles or other resources. At cumanagement.org, you’ll find a robust website with thousands of articles. There, we are able to provide quicker takes on breaking news and provide more content for everyone, from next-generation leaders to the CEO and everyone in between.
Finally, in the new CU Management, we are tackling the problem of silos. We think each print article should be read by every credit union leader and board member. But we recognize that you are very busy. So, for when you don’t have the full 46 minutes to read the magazine cover-to-cover, we’ve made it easy to see which articles are most relevant to your role. Look in the top left and right corners of the pages for guides like “C-Suite,” “Board” and “Marketing.”
We hope you like our new look, and we’re eagerly awaiting your feedback. Email theresa@cues.org to share your thoughts.
P.S. Doesn’t this cover make you want a piece of pie? What is your favorite flavor?
Theresa Witham
Managing Editor/Publisher