
Make Space for Mental Health at Work

CUES managing editor and publisher Theresa Witham
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VP/Publications & Publisher

2 minutes

From the editor

How are you doing? Have you checked in with yourself recently about your emotional well-being? At this time of year, the pace of life picks up, and we might forget to prioritize our physical and mental health. I struggle when the days become shorter. My depression picks up in the fall and continues through January. This year, I’m determined to better battle this seasonal affective disorder with more consistent light therapy in the mornings and other self-care practices, such as swimming at my gym, making my home more “hygge” with soft lights and candles, and embracing cozy moments throughout my day.

Of course, there’s much more to mental health than a self-care routine, especially at work. “The sad truth is that most people are struggling with mental health,” says Scott Foster, CEO of Wellco, a wellness and fitness services firm in Royal Oak, Michigan. “Less than half of employees feel their companies are supporting them regarding their well-being. And they’re dealing with so much more now since the pandemic ushered in even more mental health issues.” Anxiety rates have risen 25% since the pandemic, and depression has tripled, he adds in our feature article, “Work Together to Support Mental Health.” 

As leaders, we need to start the conversation. As Foster says: “There is tremendous value in being vulnerable and empathetic for CEOs and leadership. That value comes in best practices of creating environments of psychological safety and strengthening their community.”

“Employees need to be reminded of the organizational commitment to creating a culture of safety where it’s okay to speak openly about mental health. Be sure to overcommunicate this critical message,” says Kim LaMontagne, a speaker and state trainer with National Alliance on Mental Health.

I hope you’ll find our article on this topic helpful. Here’s a list of more mental health content from CU Management:

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