Model World Peace on Us

A CCCU and CUES International Convention attendee's experience.

By Sandra Spence

At a time when global crises abound, the recent international conference of Caribbean and North American credit unions was a welcome relief and a model of cross cultural cooperation. This June meeting in the Bahamas was the result of a joint effort of the Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions and CUES.

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Member Communication Success Guide

With clear messaging, CUs can guide members toward what they need.

By Sundeep Kapur

I still cringe about how my financial institution handled the Target card breach. My first card was cancelled, a new card suddenly showed up, and every time I called to ask for information, I was told something new and different! My financial institution could (and should) have explained the breach to me on one of my visits to its website.

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Supporting Retiring CU CEOs

By Lisa Hochgraf

Over the last few years, participants in CUES Net, the CUES members-only listerve for which I serve as staff guide, have congratulated a number of "Netters" on their retirements. In addition to sending along well wishes, the CUES Net community entertained dialog about such topics as what made good retirement gifts (and the tax implications of some options) and what moving companies to use.

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Does Your Loan Program Serve Your Members?

Don't lose sight of members' perceptions.

By Brett Christensen

Not surprisingly, a credit union loan program that effectively serves members is more likely to rate well on other lending metrics, such as loan-to-share ratio, loan growth, and delinquencies. But as you lead your people through the trenches of making loans every day, it's easy to lose sight of how members perceive your lending operation. When you're ready to take a pause and consider this key question, here are some food-for-thought questions you'll want to answer:

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