Stress Test Projects ... Future Cash Flow

By Lisa Hochgraf

When credit unions talk about stress tests, they're often referring to asset/liability modeling in which they enter various interest rate scenarios and look at how that will affect their financials.

When Jim Devine talks about stress tests, he is referring to modeling a business' future cash flow, so a credit union can get a read on whether a business borrower is likely to have the cash needed to make timely payments on a loan.

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5 Tips for Communicating Loan Denials

Lisa Hochgraf Photo
Senior Editor

Brett Christensen describes the difference between a co-signor and a co-applicant.It's never enjoyable being the bearer of bad news. Nevertheless, Brett Christensen suggests that being direct and positive can make communicating a loan deni

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Tips for Avoiding Wire Fraud

By Lisa Hochgraf Alan White fields a question from an attendee of CUES School of Risk Management. White is president/CEO of Vital Insight, the strategic provider that powers CUES Enterprise Risk Management.

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Focus on Market Needs to Increase Your CU’s Competitive Edge

By John Oliver

Just 25 years ago, traditional financial services providers claimed 50% of the marketplace. Today, there are only half as many of these providers, and the share of the market has fallen to 20%. Traditional financial services providers are in a crisis.

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