Checking Accounts: Overworked and Outdated

By Shawn Ward 

There's a lot of great innovation happening in the retail banking world: personal financial management tools, person-to-person payments, mobile/apps, remote deposit capture, rewards/targeted offers, etc. These are all about engagement banking. 

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CEO Institutes' Between-Segments Projects Underscore Learning

By Lisa Hochgraf

"Education is the process in which we discover that learning adds quality to our lives. Learning must be experienced."

So said American psychiatrist William Glasser, whose research suggests the best way to learn something is not to read it out of a book, hear someone say it or even talk about it with someone else. The best way to learn something, according to Glasser, is to teach it to someone else.

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Are You Using Competitive Intelligence to Generate Loans?

By Felicia Hudson

As a former CUES marketing specialist, I've had the pleasure of interviewing many CUES members. I'm always impressed not only by the passion they have for the movement, but the resourcefulness they demonstrate as leaders. That's why I'm stumped. Why, when so many consumers are disillusioned with banks, aren't more credit unions taking advantage of the opportunities available to woo these potential customers?

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