Developing Strategic Thinkers in Your Credit Union

By Jeff Rendel, CSP

Strategic thinking is not a detached process that happens once or twice each year at the all-managers meeting or your strategic planning session. Strategic thinking is a daily exercise where managers lean toward more than only what is required for the day; in its place, managers make choices today knowing full well the decision’s weight and effect on your credit union and its stakeholders in six months, one year, and three years.

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The CUES Brand, Elevated

By Chuck Fagan

Great brands move forward and evolve with time while leveraging their history. After 50 years of serving credit union leaders, it’s time for CUES to move to the next level.

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10 Payment Trends for 2014

By Cyndie Martini

In the rapidly evolving payments world, technology is driving the next generation of innovation. 2014 will be a landmark year for the industry as mobile technology, EMV and the trend toward a cashless society picks up steam. Here are the top 10 payment trends to keep your eye on in the coming year.

1) Mobile Banking Increases in Popularity

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Catch 'Em Doin' it Right Before Feb. 28

By Lisa Hochgraf

My 10-year-old might think that his mother focuses most on the things he's doing wrong, except for the fact that every once in awhile, he wakes to a note taped to his bedroom door knob. The note details something his mother has seen him do very, very right. I've heard him tell my husband, "My day's starting off well; I got a note from mom."

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CU Saves Members $1.2 Million

By Michael Neill, CSE

Missional leadership is a means for an organization to keep focus on its purpose relative to those it serves. It’s more than a management theory—successful implementation can pay off in measurable business outcomes.

The formula is simple:

missional leadership + employee training = engagement, which leads to member savings

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