New Taxation Threat has Utah Roots

By Rick Craig

Long-time credit union antagonist Harris Simmons, chairman of Salt Lake City-based Zions Bank, will be the chairman of the American Bankers Association in November 2005.

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The Art of the Resolution

By Dan Clark

As corporate officers we have all been faced with the need to understand the history of our organizations. In particular, we have needed to understand the decisions of previous managements or boards.

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Seven Habits of Spectacularly Unsuccessful People

By Sydney Finkelstein Welcome to CEO Network! I’m looking forward to opening your conference and sharing some of the lessons I’ve learned from studying why smart executives fail. As a preview, here are highlights from an article I wrote for the Winter 2003 issue of the London Business School’s Business Strategy Review: “Seven Habits of Spectacularly Unsuccessful People”: To be spectacularly unsuccessful requires some very special personal qualities.

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It’s 2005 and Time to Focus

By Steve Williams 2005 will be a year like no other for credit unions. Over the past 10 years, credit unions have seen a wide variety of new opportunities open up: community charters, business lending, new delivery channels, CUSOs and expanded wealth management services. While the industry has succeeded in opening up its business powers, it has also opened up new, more difficult responsibilities for CEOs. When opportunity is wide open for small financial services organizations, the key becomes strategic focus.

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Creating Member Value

How do CU's create more value for your members while the industry promotes consumers to cherry pick products and services? I would like to hear from CU's that have other ideas rather than competeing on just price! Dave Craigen, CCE Powell River Credit Union Financial Group

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What do You Think of Risk-based Capital?

NCUA held its Summit on Credit Union Capital on Oct. 19, where according to NCUA Chairman JoAnn Johnson, “All issues relating to capital for America’s credit unions [would] be on the table.” Here is Credit Union Journal's online account of the meeting:

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