Nurturing the Next Generation

By Mary Auestad Arnold

When CUES was formed 50 years ago, developing the next generation of credit union executives was not even remotely on the radar. The founders’ top priority was nurturing the movement’s first generation of paid professionals.

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Prepare the Soil

By Lisa Hochgraf

More than 20 years ago, Lou Centini moved to Virginia from New York and bought a house. When he decided to landscape his yard, the garden center employee gave him some great advice: Prepare the soil. 

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Five-Finger Consensus

Lisa Hochgraf Photo
Senior Editor

One way to move toward having a highly effective board is to try to make sure varied opinions are brought forward during board meeting discussions.

Michael Daigneault told attendees of CUES Symposium: A CEO/Chairman Exchange today in Bonita Springs, Fla., that one effective way to facilitate board discussion is by measuring “five-finger consensus.”

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The Value of Your Good Reputation

By Lisa Hochgraf

Wayne Gretzky was my cousin's role model for many years. The Canadian was a star hockey player and later highly regarded coach with a sterling reputation. 

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Move Over, Chairman, so Another Can Move Up

By Lisa Hochgraf

I just penned my resignation letter after 3.5 years as president of the Friends of Mendon Public Library.

It's been a very exciting ride. Lots of great people, some crazy politics, the starting of a blog and, most importantly, the building of a new library building for our town's residents.

And yet it's time to move on, so another leader can come to the fore. I've laid groundwork for a smooth succession, and am excited to see what happens next.

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Volunteers are not Paid, But Priceless

Volunteers are not paid--not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless. In this spirit, five credit union directors were honored as inductees into the CUES Volunteer Hall of Fame during an awards ceremony in December at CUES' Directors Conference in Las Vegas. Honored for their priceless contributions to credit unions were:

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