Credit Unions are the Ukuleles of FIs

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Disclaimer: Every once in awhile, I get the urge to write one of those feel-good posts in which I don't really share any great insights and preach to the choir about how good credit unions are, all in an effort to encourage credit union folk to keep up the good fight and not get discouraged. This is one of those posts. If you are looking for depth of insight and meaningful discourse, I'd encourage you to look elsewhere.  

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Podcast: Current Issues in Credit Unions, #46

By Rob Rutkowski

This month, Current Issues in Credit Unions welcomes special guest Eric Richard, Esq., Vice President
and General Counsel of the Credit Union National Association.  We discuss:

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Humor Done Right

It is April 1 and the Web is full of pranks, jokes and hoaxes. My favorite is this article from Johns Hopkins University here in Baltimore. Or, I guess I should say John Hopkins University now.

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Inspiration on Tap 24/7

Posted by Felicia Hudson

In the
March 9 issue of Business Week, Jerry
S. Wilson, senior vice president of the Coca-Cola Co., posed the question,
“When was the last time you were truly inspired by a leader?”

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One More Reason for Pretty Plastic

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

In past posts, I've been plain about the fact that I see the benefits of pretty debit and credit card stock. In "Confessions of a Credit Card Holder," I talked about one of the reasons I liked my first-ever credit card (and kept it so long) was because of the beautiful photo it bore of my alma mater, the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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