Focus on Board Productivity

By Dan Clark

In times like these, with bottom lines in trouble, I've seen many boards increase the amount of information they request. The belief seems to be, the more confusing things get, more information will help.

The case is the opposite. The more confusing things get, the more focused we need to become.

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Customer Service Philosophy: Pretend you own the Store

By Lisa Hochgraf

In my life outside of credit unions, I'm a volunteer for Mendon Public Library. And part of volunteering lately has meant keeping members of our local Chamber of Commerce up to date on what's happening with our new library building project.

At a recent Chamber event, the owner of a local store described to me his customer service philosophy. He said he tells his employees: "Don't call me. Pretend you own the store and fix the problem for the customer."

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Credit Unions are the Ukuleles of FIs

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Disclaimer: Every once in awhile, I get the urge to write one of those feel-good posts in which I don't really share any great insights and preach to the choir about how good credit unions are, all in an effort to encourage credit union folk to keep up the good fight and not get discouraged. This is one of those posts. If you are looking for depth of insight and meaningful discourse, I'd encourage you to look elsewhere.  

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