Screen Time: When is it Welcome?

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

If you ask my six-year-old son the question in this post's title, he'll say that "screen time" (when he gets to watch TV or play computer games) is always welcome.

And I have to say that when he and I waited in line for two hours to get his second H1N1 shot in November, I thought bringing my laptop (screen) and a kids' movie was about the best thing I'd ever done.

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‘Think Huge’ in 2010

By Mark Arnold

A new year is underway, your credit union is tackling its goals, and yet, you wonder: Are we on track? Are my team members energized? Will 2010 be successful?

I had the same questions a couple of years ago as I planned my credit union's staff development program.

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Are Credit Unions Missing the Boat?

By John Belty

I have recently read articles about the inability of CUs to move beyond 6 percent of industry assets, how CUs should be more like banks to compete with banks, etc. I believe these authors and anyone who agrees with them have already missed or are missing the boat. The current economic crisis is the biggest marketing/expansion opportunity presented to credit unions in the last 50 years and we are sitting back and watching it sail by.

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Fewer Cars Owned In U.S. What's up for CUs?

Posted by Ron Jooss

For the first time in a while, U.S. car ownership declined in 2009. What’s more, it looks like it could well be the beginning of a trend. As the United States slowly drags itself out of a recession and more environmentally friendly practices—such as more use of rapid transit and light rail systems—work their way into American culture, the next economic cycle appears as if it will be much different than the last.

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