What’s in it for people to ‘like’ you?

Posted by Erin Templer

I know we don’t all have the same Facebook background. Some are novices, while others are whipping up Facebook apps like it’s, well, their job. I’ve been on Facebook for personal use for probably five years now. But, within the last few months I’ve started posting to CUES’ Facebook page. I’ve even attended a Facebook for Marketers seminar to help me get started.

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Blog ROI

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

In recent history, two companies I've been working with on developing stories for CUES publications have both asked me the same question: "Say, do you mind if I ask how you justify your blogs?"

It's pretty clear to the publications and marketing groups at CUES that our blogs are an essential part of the conversation we want to have with members.

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Press-Worthy CU Outreach

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

As an industry editor, I get a lot of press releases about the good works of credit unions. And one of the things I love about credit unions is that they do so much good for their communities. Unfortunately, "good works press releases" don't always feel like news to industry publications or media outlets local to the credit unions themselves. Suffice it say that we see a lot of releases about scholarships, shredding events, financial education seminars, and membership promotions.

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