Press-Worthy CU Outreach

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

As an industry editor, I get a lot of press releases about the good works of credit unions. And one of the things I love about credit unions is that they do so much good for their communities. Unfortunately, "good works press releases" don't always feel like news to industry publications or media outlets local to the credit unions themselves. Suffice it say that we see a lot of releases about scholarships, shredding events, financial education seminars, and membership promotions.

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By Lisa Hochgraf

They say it's lonely at the top--in the CEO's office, that is. But does it have to be?

The top leadership of the mother's group to which I belong here in the Rochester, N.Y., area isn't such a lonely job because it's usually composed of two--or even three--"co-leaders." Granted, these are volunteers, but this is no slouch job. The organization is busy, busy with activities for moms and tots. Three people still have a lot to do to keep things running smoothly.

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Flash Mob Fun

Posted by Kelly Schmit

On May 22 at 11:16 a.m. Innovations Federal Credit Union decided to “Spark Change” with an impromptu public dance, called a flash mob, at the grand opening of Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport.

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How to Make Quality Decisions

By Mary Arnold

After day two of CUES' DLI: Governance institute in Toronto, I'm eager to discuss how to make quality decisions at the board level. For background, I'd like to ask all of you how you would make a board decision.

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