Simplify 2009

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

This Sunday I kicked back a litte, "watched" some football I didn't care much about (for those who do care, it was San Diego @ Pittsburgh), and put my new Mac laptop in my lap. (Thank you, Santa!)

I took great pleasure in using this little bit of down time to unsubscribe. Since I was out for two weeks over Christmas, I had a ton of e-mail to sort and as part of dealing with it all, I took myself off many a mailing list. It felt really good just in the doing.

Compass Subscription

Experience Wikipedia

Posted by Christopher Stevenson    

Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge.

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Marketing Through Sponsors or Major SEGs?

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I spent a fair bit of time in the Newark and Cleveland airports this holiday. This airport time wasn't long enough to be miserable, but it was long enough to notice and take some notes about two bank marketing efforts.

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The Mother of Invention & Her Three Sisters

 Barb Kachelski, CAE

Plato said Necessity is the mother of Invention, and I'm sure he's right. But after a visit to the Hong Kong Art Museum's pottery exhibit, I've concluded Invention has at least three cousins born to Necessity's three "sisters."

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Fee for Withdrawals?

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

At our last meeting for the Friends of the Mendon Public library (somehow I got myself elected president of the board), our treasurer let us know that the bank we use for our accounts had printed a small notice on our last statement that it would now be charging a fee for deposits and withdrawals.

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Mobile Banking: Seeing the Light

By Ron Jooss

At CUES' Directors Conference earlier this month, I had a "come to Jesus" moment during Richard Crone's presentation on mobile banking. Crone helped me see the light. You see, getting your members enrolled in mobile banking isn't simply about giving them the ability to make transactions through their cell phones, though that is a big part of it.

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