How Wired Should Employees Be?

Posted by Theresa Witham

There's a lot of talk about how Web 2.0 can be used to appeal to young members. But what about young employees? If employees are comfortable communicating via text or instant message instead of e-mail, how can a credit union use that to its advantage? And what about blogs? Can they appeal to potential employees, too?

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Ready to be 'Friends' With a Company?

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I got really excited about Facebook when I first got a profile a month back. So excited I thought maybe Facebook could be my one-stop home for everything, credit union account access included.

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Freebie Webinar: Developing Your Mobile Banking Strategy

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Mobile banking is on the radar of lots of CUs. Mobile is sexy. Unfortuntately, effective mobile banking is also elusive. So how do you build an effective mobile banking strategy? Cornerstone Advisors' Tripp Johnson and Quintin Sykes recently presented a Webinar on just that topic.

Check the Webinar out for free. Just click here and then click "Order Now" in the upper right corner of the Webinar's Web page.

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Strong CEO, Strong Chair or ... Both?

Having two strong leaders, focused on different areas and functions of the credit union, creates more benefit for members.

Having two strong leaders, focused on different areas and functions of the credit union, creates more benefit for members.
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