Denise Wymore is Webinar-ing!

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

I've been negligent and am riddled with guilt. Our friend Denise Wymore is presenting a free Webinar for CUES next Thursday, January 31, and I failed to point it out to you. (Sorry, Denise.) Here's the session description:

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Is Blogging Really So Different?

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I think I was in minute 22 of my early morning lap swim today when it hit me. Helping to publish a blog (which I just started doing in 2007) isn't really so different from helping to publish a magazine (which I've been doing in some fashion for almost 15 years).

Sure, the supporting technology is different; the format is different; the timing is different, but some key things are the same:

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The Convenience of 'Right Down the Hall'

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

During the holidays, I found my wireless laptop displaying the Web site of a credit union I hadn't pulled up. (Imagine that!) My brother-in-law was visiting so I asked him if he belonged to this credit union, of which his large-company employer appears to be the single sponsor.

Yup. He belongs--and largely because of the convenience of having a branch on site where he works. "It's practically down the hall," he noted.

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One of the Best Blogs I've Seen

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Let's talk about blogs for a moment. Everyone and his brother has a blog. Many are quite good, but few really capture the readers' attention and bring them back again and again. (Of the 75 feeds I have in Bloglines, I only read 10 or 12 regularly. How many do you read?) What makes the difference? Storytelling.

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