A Heads Up from the NAFCU Compliance Guy

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

NAFCU's Compliance Guy has been doing some thinking about credit union e-mail. In his recent post, Email Signatures; Das Photos, he points out that marketing done through your e-mail signature line may need to comply with Regulation Z, Truth in Savings, and NCUA's advertising requirements.

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Are You Ready for the iPhone Apps Store?

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

I don't care enough about Apple to follow the Worldwide Developers Conference. I know Steve Jobs and his colleagues make announcements about the cool stuff Apple is releasing, the press covers it relentlessly, and Apple fans swoon, but I don't follow it closely. Thank goodness for the blogosphere or I'd never have realized how important Steve Jobs' announcements were for the financial services industry. From Jim Bruene's Netbanker:

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Join the CUES Experience Flickr Group

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Thanks to Morriss Partee, chief experience officer, EverythingCU.com, we now have a Flickr group dedicated to photos from CUES Experience 2008 in Minneapolis. Check it out. We have about 70 pictures uploaded so far, but we want your pictures too.

Not familiar with Flickr? Here are some instructions (kindly provided by Morriss):

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