More on Leveraging Technology to Your PR Advantage

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I liked it when Eastman Credit Union partnered with community groups to offer free wireless access in Kingsport, Tenn. (Read my earlier post here.) The CU is getting some great PR on the wireless access page for its efforts.

And yesterday I read about another CU leveraging partnerships and technology as a PR tool: $333 million UVA Community Credit Union, Charlottesville, Va.

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CUs Offer Killer Customer Experience

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Forrester Research recently published its Customer Experience Index, which reports the results of a survey in which over 4,700 consumers were asked about their interactions with a variety of companies, including banks and CUs.

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Want to Steal Good Employees From Your Competition?

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

Here's a sure way credit unions can get and keep smart employeees from larger competitors: do a good job of marketing your employee benefits to your staff.

As with most of my blog posts, this one was inspired by personal experience. CUES is a relatively small employer, having just over 50 on staff. But it beats the pants off my husband's Fortune 100 employer in terms of using benefits and the open enrollment process to win employee trust and loyalty.

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