How do You Get People Fired up?

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

Yesterday at FORUM Partnership Symposium in "Indy," William Azaroff of Vancity Credit Union, Vancouver, British Columbia, greeted me by asking, "What's new?"

I shared my excitement that my town (Mendon, N.Y.) had voted the night before to fund a new library with a bond issue of $1.35 million. I said I had thoroughly enjoyed being part of the group of volunteers that had worked to get people fired up to vote yes.

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Now More Than Ever Part 2…

By Fred Johnson

Another turbulent day in the markets reaffirms what I stated in my earlier post. These are challenging times and now more than ever credit unions need to come together.

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Living With Crisis

By Ken Thygerson, Ph.D.

The 2008 financial and economic crisis will have lasting effects. Government largely created this mess and it is now trying to patch things up. Unfortunately, most of the damage is permanent and non reversible.

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Service in the Eyes of Gen Y

Posted by Jon Cook, CUES editorial intern

One to three times a week, I venture out of the office for lunch at one of the places close by.

The dining options include the usual chain restaurants available in most trendy suburbs and business parks across the U.S., Qdoba and Panera for example.

Today, I opted for Qdoba; the service quick, the food decent, and the price even "decenter."

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