Words of Wisdom from Trey

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

In recent history, before life got completely nuts getting a magazine to press, I had the great pleasure to proofread Social Media: Blogs and Beyond, a new executive briefing written by CUES member and social media guru Trey Reeme.

While I was proofreading, I took the time to jot down some quotes from Trey's excellent text that I thought might merit discussion here on Nexus Connection.

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Short-Term Gain or Sustainable Advantage

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Scholastic Books had a great run for the past 11 years or so, thanks in large part to Harry Potter. But now they have a problem. Harry is done and Scholastic has to find a way to keep their success rolling. Their solution? 39 Clues.

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It's Saturday night in the college dorm. Let's talk about angels on the head of a pin

By Robert H. Halleck

Remember those great Saturday night discussions where you solved all the problems of the world or speculated about what the future will bring? Let's revisit those thrilling days of yesteryear in this blog series. Here is the deal. With no rules, no idea too "anything," and most certainly no ax to grind, predict what the credit union industry will look like 10 years from now. Let's not dwell too long on any one topic.

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